Differently abled and Vulnerable People
Individual Assistance to Enterprises/livelihood run by Differently abled and Vulnerable People
Individual (Differently abled and vulnerable) must belong to the Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project implementing block. (vulnerable – Transgender, Widow, Destitute Women, Death of the breadwinner, Tribal, Women headed family, Chronic illness, etc.,)
The individual should have been involved in an enterprise at least for 6 months. (The age of the Enterprise/livelihood should not be less than 6 months)

Nature of Support:
To provide assistance to support enterprises / livelihood activities carried out by the differently abled and vulnerable individuals through VPRC to a Maximum of Rs 20,000 per individual.
Our Targets
Estimates of Coverage & Targets
No. of Gram Panchayats
No. of VPRCs
Expected Households to be covered
Rupees Per Household average fund support
Crores Total Estimate Budget
Required documents
- ID proof
- Activity plan
- Copy of bank passbook
- Current activity status report
- Existing loan repayment status (if any)