Capacity Building Programme to Second Level Lead Farmers (SPARKs) under VKP

Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and VazhndhuKattuvom Project (VKP), TNRTP, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai, jointly organized a three days Second Level Training to Lead Farmers (SPARKs) on “Seed to Value Chain in Groundnut and Sesame” from 14 – 16 June, 2023 at DoEE, TNAU, Coimbatore.

The training programme included class room sessions, demonstrations, and exposure visits to FPO on Groundnut and gingelly oil extraction unit. Scientists and experts from TNAU handled classes on scenario and scope of cultivation of Groundnut and Gingelly in Tamil Nadu, new high yielding varieties, newly evolved technologies for cultivation including weed, water and fertilizer management practices, Integrated IPDM practices, physiological disorders, nutrient deficiencies and rectification methods, TNAU groundnut-rich tonic, machineries in groundnut cultivation, post harvest and value addition, marketing intelligence and role of KVKs in promoting the cultivation of groundnut and gingelly in Tamil Nadu through various means. A Tamil book on “Seed to Value Chain in Ground Nut and Gingelly ” was distributed to the farmers. Thirty lead farmers, six members each from five districts were benefited through the training programme.

The training programme was inaugurated by Dr. R. Thamizh Vendan, Registrar, TNAU, Coimbatore. Dr.P.P.Murugan, Director of Extension Education gave an introductory speech about the training programme. Dr. R. Ravikesavan, Director, CPBG, Dr. D. Suresh Kumar, Director, CARDS delivered a special address. Mr. M. Sakarapani, Associate Chief Operating Officer (VKP), Mrs. R. Thilagavathy, Consultant (VKP) felicitated the gathering. Dr. P. P. Murugan DoEE, Dr. J. Auxcilia, Professor (Hort.), and Dr. J. Thilagam Asst.Prof. (Extn.) organized the training programme.


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